It's the 21st century Milgram Experiment where teachers are paid to do something that at some point they realize is terribly wrong. However, like with Milgram, where teachers in training were paid to administer deadly shocks to their victims, although many are very uncomfortable administering these tests, and even though nearly all have paused and questioned this sick experiment on our children, most go through with it. There are some that do decide to give up the money they are paid to inflict such torture and pursue interests more alignment with their ethics and morals...but still the torture goes on.
There is a phenomenon referred to as The Stockholm Syndrome in which people who are held captive begin to align with the captor and take on the captor’s ways rather than show empathy for their own suffering or the suffering of other captives. Sadly, many parents who have handed the control of their children over to the government, seem to be showing such empathy for those who cause their children's suffering. In fact over and over they acknowledge the testing torture is wrong, but they don't want the "school to suffer" so they send their children through the doors. The children become victims who are forced to sit for hours taking this test, even if they don't speak the language... even if they can not read it... even if it makes them sick.
Here's the thing. Many of the smartest people in the field of education know this is wrong. They are shouting it out like Will Richardson and I have done. They are writing it out. They are tweeting it out. Somehow the government's demands have been able to dismiss these warnings and the schools continue to force students to drill, kill, and bubblefill.
Informed parents are the key to affecting change and opting their children out of tests. This sends an important message of support for teachers and indicates the parental desire to do what they know is best for their children. To follow are materials I've been reading to make the case against standardized testing.
Educator and parent Will Richardson explains why he is opting his children out of standardized testing.
Here is a conversation I was involved in with amazing educators such as Joe Bower, Will Richardson, Gary Stager, Mary Ann Reilly, John T. Spencer, and others
J. Richard Gentry, Ph.D., an expert on childhood literacy, reading, and spelling wrote to me several times to ask that I please share his important article with educators.
Parent, author, speaker, instigator, blogger Will Richardson discusses testing in the Huffington Post
Whomever you are, you can unite with others in your state to opt out of testing. Concerned educators and parents have come together to create brand-new, easy-to-find, state-by-state groups on Facebook where anyone who cares, can come together to mobilize and take back control of their children’s freedom to learn. You can join others interested in opting out in your state in two ways:
1) Go to Facebook and type in the search: Opt out of State Standardized Tests — Your State i.e. Opt Out of State Standardized Tests – Ohio
2) Go to the page url: i.e.
As more and more parents get on board and take back control of what is best for their children, new possibilities will arise and we can finally restore to our children the freedom to learn about what matters to them rather than what boosts the egos of politicians and lines the pockets of publishers.
2) Go to the page url: i.e.
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