If you haven't read Seth Godin's Stop Stealing Dreams I recommend you consider downloading the free eBook and as it provides a great platform for education reform conversation. If you've read the book and want to talk about it, you can join this group where folks are not only doing just that, but they are also writing their reflections via articles and posts. Want to know what people are saying? Read these articles. If you're writing about Stop Stealing Dreams join the group and add your post here.
Article Name: Learning Math through Programming
Blog / Magazine: Shuback
Author: Jeremy Shuback
Brief Description: In Part 113, Seth Godin asks "Is the memorization and drill[...] of advanced math the best way to sell kids on becoming scientists and engineers?" A look at how various schools are teaching math by teaching programming.
Article Name:Those Kids Could Dream
Blog / Magazine:Between the By-Road and the Main Road Looking Up
Author: Mary Ann Reilly
Brief Description: An art piece and an essay exploring dreaming, parenting, and school.
Article Name: A Today's Meet by 5th graders
Blog / Magazine: TodaysMeet.com
Author: 5th graders
Brief Description: 5th graders read part of the manifesto and then began discussing the ideas with their classmates and teacher
Article Name: “Stop Stealing Dreams”-Part 1
Blog / Magazine: Looking Up
Author: Andrew Campbell
Brief Description: A collection of my first thoughts after reading 'Stop Stealing Dreams'
Article Name: My review of Seth Godin’s new book, Stop Stealing Dreams
Blog / Magazine: Penelope Trunk blog
Author: Penelope Trunk
Link: http://blog.penelopetrunk.com/2012/03/12/my-review-of-seth-godins-new-book/
Brief Description: The author points out that even though school stinks Godin dismisses a viable option...homeschooling.
Article Name: When we stop stealing dreams, what do we do instead?Blog / Magazine: The Innovative Educator
Author: Lisa Nielsen
Brief Description: When we realize education is no longer tied to places, but rather to people, a completely new way to learn can emerge.
Article Name: I refuse to steal my kids’ dreams (On homeschooling as a social movement)
Blog: Simple Homeschool
Author: by Jamie
Brief Description: Point by point response to Seth Godin's reasons home ed won't take off including: concern, time commitment, mistakes, fear,
Article Name: Stop Stealing Dreams - Seth Godin's New Book. Available Free!
Blog: The Innovative Educator
Author: Lisa Nielsen
Brief Description: Information about downloading the article, joining the Facebook group, sharing favorite quotes and reactions, and a fantastic info graphic by Lynne Cazaly.
Article Name: Stop Stealing Dreams - Homeschooling works for parents who try it
Blog: The Innovative Educator
Author: Pat Farenga, Lisa Nielsen
Brief Description Patrick Farenga responds to section 121 of Stop Stealing Dreams: 121. Home schooling isn’t the answer for most.
Article Name: How Soccer Will Save the World
Blog / Magazine: Looking Up
Author: Andrew Campbell
Brief Description: Discusses how SSD has affected the way I view unrelated topics (industrial vs post-industrial activities). Seeks post-industrial activities in a non-educational setting. How has SSD changed the way you see the world?
Article Name: Adjusting the High School Curriculum
Blog / Magazine: Shuback
Author: Jeremy Shuback
Brief Description: Infographic & Video on adjusting the high school curriculum based on the classes Seth Godin suggests in SSD.